Event Viewer lists the following additional information:Shadow copy creation failed because of error reported by ASR Writer. More info: The requested system device cannot be found. (0x80073BC3).Volume Shadow Copy Service warning: ASR writer Error 0x80073bc3. hr = 0x00000000, The operation completed successfully..Operation:PrepareForBackup eventContext:Execution Context: ASR WriterExecution Context: WriterWriter Class Id: {be000cbe-11fe-4426-9c58-531aa6355fc4}Writer Name: ASR WriterWriter Instance ID: {5c8b67a8-a665-45e5-9f5c-45382f136693}Error-specific details:ASR Writer: The requested system device cannot be found. (0x80073BC3)Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Unexpected error calling routine Check OnIdentifyError. hr = 0x80073bc3, The requested system device cannot be found..Operation:PrepareForBackup eventContext:Execution Context: ASR WriterExecution Context: WriterWriter Class Id: {be000cbe-11fe-4426-9c58-531aa6355fc4}Writer Name: ASR WriterWriter Instance ID: {5c8b67a8-a665-45e5-9f5c-45382f136693}Error-specific details:ASR Writer: The requested system device cannot be found. (0x80073BC3)Fault bucket 668258104, type 5Event Name: WindowsBackupFailureResponse: Not availableCab Id: 0Problem signature:P1: BackupP2: 6.1.7600P3: 0x81000019P4: 7P5:P6:P7:P8:P9:P10:Attached files:C:\Windows\Logs\WindowsBackup\WindowsBackup.1.etlThese files may be available here:C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive\NonCritical_Backup_7a9178ddfcd376c581a8653b09ae5e2464735bf_100ef6dcAnalysis symbol:Rechecking for solution: 0Report Id: 8b57e781-0633-11e0-a042-90e6ba2d22c8Report Status: 0Backup did not complete successfully because a shadow copy could not be created. Free up disk space on the drive that you are backing up by deleting unnecessary files and then try again.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Windows Backup Error 0x81000019
Thursday, December 02, 2010
DataRAM RAM Disk Review (part 2)
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Dataram RAMDisk Review
This test is designed to measure the sustained linear (sequential) reading performance of the storage device by reading all data from the surface of the device.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Getting NTBackup working in WinPE 3.0
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Remotely wake computers when the network doesn't pass Magic Packets
CAC00855FT 00:12:34:56:78
:This script wakes up computers using a tertiary computer on the same LAN.for /F "tokens=1-2 delims= " %%A IN ('type computer-list.txt') do psexec \\%%A -i -c mc-wol.exe %%Bpause
CAC00700JQ 18A9051BFE68CAC00700HT 18A9051E2894CAC00700HQ 18A9051E2B90
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Querying HKEY_CURRENT_USER remotely
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Command Line Screen Recording
Friday, June 18, 2010
AppleTV Harddrive Hack
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Pushing View Controllers
PhotoListView *secondPage = [[PhotoListView alloc] initWithNibName:@"PhotoListView" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
[[self navigationController] pushViewController:secondPage animated:YES];
4) Done.
Getting back into Objective-C Programming
NSArray *pointsArray = [PolyShape pointsForPolygonInRect:rect numberOfSides:[polygon numberOfSides]];
//count the number of objects in the array and set a matching integer
int i;
i=[pointsArray count];
//setup our C array to match the number of objects in the pointsArray...
CGPoint thePointArray[i];
//for each object in the pointsArray, set a CGPoint value, add it to the C-Array (thePointArray) in it's matching index
for (id object in pointsArray) {
CGPoint thePoint = [object CGPointValue];
thePointArray[i] = CGPointMake(thePoint.x, thePoint.y);
Friday, January 15, 2010
Uninstall products from the command line
You'll need to find egrep for Windows. It's getting harder and harder to find.
Here's a script I made to uninstall a program called "Driver and Utility".
reg query
/s > "%TEMP%\reguninstall.txt"
TYPE "%TEMP%\reguninstall.txt" \\myk\netlogon\grep.exe -B 15 -E "Driver & Utility" \\myk\netlogon\grep.exe -o -E
"UninstallString.+" \\myk\netlogon\grep.exe -o -E "MsiExec.+" > "%temp%\uninstallcmd.txt"
FOR /F "tokens=1-10 delims={" %A IN ('TYPE "%temp%\uninstallcmd.txt"') DO
msiexec.exe /x {%B /qb
You'll have to excuse the line cropping. This script does 3 things.
#1, it pulls every program option from the registry and saves it in a file
#2, it then greps for the program name. This needs to be specific. Using grep we can ask it to pull lines previous to finding the query. We pull back 15 lines because it's a big key and we need to find the GUID
#3, we make a variable out of the GUID and execute the uninstall command.
The final uninstall command should look like this:
msiexec.exe /x {48435D4A-BDAF-4AC3-B172-B25F1AADE6C6} /qb