It appears you can't launch an AppV environment around an application with the /appvve switch as Microsoft automatically strips the /appvve switch OR because icast.exe freaks out.
I have found an alternative method though:
powershell.exe -command "&{$AppVName = Get-AppvClientPackage *APPNAME* ; Start-AppvVirtualProcess -AppvClientObject $AppVName cmd.exe}"
This will launch a cmd.exe window in the virtual environment in citrix with the passed .exe (cmd.exe in this example).
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Friday, October 03, 2014
Group Policy Preferences - Scheduled Task fails to apply
We had a couple issues with scheduled tasks not applying when submitted as a GPP (Group Policy Preference). We turned on tracing via local gpedit.msc (Administrative Templates > System > Group Policy > Logging and tracing). From here we turned on the Scheduled Task logging and events were then stored in the eventvwr.msc (we also turned on tracing which stored a computer.log file here: C:\ProgramData\Group Policy\Trace)
The first error we got was:
2014-10-03 10:42:19.372 [pid=0x59c,tid=0x1294] No item to delete.
2014-10-03 10:42:19.372 [pid=0x59c,tid=0x1294] pWorkItemV2->Create [ hr = 0x80070534 "No mapping between account names and security IDs was done." ]
2014-10-03 10:42:19.372 [pid=0x59c,tid=0x1294] replaceTask [ hr = 0x80070534 "No mapping between account names and security IDs was done." ]
2014-10-03 10:42:19.372 [pid=0x59c,tid=0x1294] Properties handled. [ hr = 0x80070534 "No mapping between account names and security IDs was done." ]
2014-10-03 10:42:19.388 [pid=0x59c,tid=0x1294] EVENT : The computer 'AHS-Add-GlobalPrinters' preference item in the 'CTX XenApp 65 Test {E6775312-AAC0-45C3-8A1C-5F5EA46701A7}' Group Policy object did not apply because it failed with error code '0x80070534 No mapping between account names and security IDs was done.'%100790275
2014-10-03 10:42:19.388 [pid=0x59c,tid=0x1294] Completed class - AHS-Add-GlobalPrinters. [ hr = 0x80070534 "No mapping between account names and security IDs was done." ]
2014-10-03 10:42:19.388 [pid=0x59c,tid=0x1294] Error suppressed. [ hr = 0x80070534 "No mapping between account names and security IDs was done." ]
So it can't map between user ID's. It'd be nice if it told us which mapping failed, but it gives us a pretty good hint. Looking at the XML file the GPP creates (stored here: "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Group Policy\History\\Machine\Preferences\ScheduledTasks\ScheduledTasks.xml" )
We saw the following:
Everything validates. Googling for BUILTIN\SYSTEM brought up that several people were getting the same error when using BUILTIN\SYSTEM. Which makes some sense as "BUILTIN\SYSTEM" isn't a real account. We renamed it to NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. This time we got a new error message:
The computer 'AHS-Add-GlobalPrinters' preference item in the 'CTX XenApp 65 Prod {CB954F1D-7AE5-4706-9BCC-995A0D83CED5}' Group Policy object did not apply because it failed with error code '0x80041316 The task XML contains an unexpected node.' See trace file for more details.
This doesn't tell us a whole lot of information. What is the unexpected node? Looking again at the XML file it looked like so:
The difference that I can see:
The SYSTEM account is NOT a group. We changed how we selected the SYSTEM account by "Browsing" AD, going into the root of the domain, going into the Builtin OU, and selecting SYSTEM. This populated as "NT AUTHORITY\Well-Known-Security-Id-System". This will fail because there is no such user account called "Well-Known-Security-Id-System". At this point we renamed it to "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM".
Boom, GPP Scheduled task now worked without issue. Checking the XML the difference by manually selecting the SYSTEM account changed
If you are having issues with your GPP Scheduled task item running as the SYSTEM account I would HIGHLY recommend you check your XML file and confirm it is set as "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" and it is surrounded by UserId NOT GroupId.